Quelques notes sur l’expo:
Sony :
-Middle gray devrait être a 41% en sLog3, A white card with 90% reflectance is 61% IRE in slog3
-IMPORTANT : ‘An important consideration for both linear X-OCN and S-Log3 is that neither “roll-off” the highlights in a traditional sense. Both go from their respective recording mode to clipping instantly. This is important to understand as what this means is that even very bright highlights, right on the verge of clipping still contain highly useable picture information.’ (cf:—a-tech-talk/ )
– REDUCING NOISE: Exposing brightly and putting more light on to the sensor will result in an improved signal to noise ratio. Basically – more light leads to a bigger signal from the sensors pixels which makes it easier to separate the desirable image from the sensors background noise. If you are doing a lot of compositing or need an ultra clean image then you could consider rating the camera 1 stop lower. By using 250 EI and 250 ISO on your light meter your recordings will be 1 stop brighter. After correction for this in post production this will result in half as much noise as you would have at 500. For each stop that you rate the camera 1 stop slower you will halve the noise in the final output. Similarly for each stop you rate the camera 1 stop faster you will double the noise in the final output. 

Sony Venice False Color

Extra notes on Slog3 :
-If you would like to apply print film emulation, please increase saturation to about 1.4. Sony
also provides .cube files (Look Profile) to convert 709 video color space

a check

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